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Welcome to We the People


As the 60 session of the Utah State Legislature wrapped up last week, a budget was made and bills were passed which will affect our day-t- day life. Whether we will be paying tax money to support the new budget or our privacy is being protected with the drone bill, we are dealing with politics.


There are so many questions surrounding politics, like: Who are these people that we trust to run our society and why should we care? Are our political leaders trustworthy? Where does our taxpayer money go? When are we going to resolve our Medicaid gap? How can you get involved in the local government? Who is representing you?


With this news blog, I hope to discover truth about Utah's politics.


We the People is run by Morgan Pratt. Pratt is seeking a degree in journalism and communication at Utah State University


Feel free to contact me about news or events going on. To send Pratt an email, please visit the "About me" page. 




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